- • Summer school: Nature conservation, ecosystem restoration, and ecosystem services in traditional cultural landscapes. Maremma 3-10 September 2022.
- • International conference: 64rd Annual symposium of the International Association of Vegetation Science, July 27th-July 1st 2022. Madrid (Spain)
- • International conference: 29th Conference of the European Vegetation Survey, virtual, September 6th-7th September 2021
- • National workshop: 55th conference of the Italian Society for Vegetation Science. L´Aquila 16-17 June 2022.
- • International conference: 30th Conference of the European Vegetation Survey, Bratislava (Slovakia), May 9nd-13rd 2022
- • International conference: 34th Plant Population Biology Conference (POPBIO) “All Facets of Diversity” 19.-21.05.2022 – Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
- • Field workshop: Cross-taxon della biodiversita´ vegetale nelle Crete Senesi. Societa´ Botanica Italiana, 30-31 Maggio 2022 Siena
- • National conference: Valutazione dello stato dell’ecosistema dunale dopo 100 anni dagli interventi di consolidamento. La biodiversità che cambia: specie invasive e perdita di habitat. Natural Science History Museum of Grosseto, 2021.
- • National conference: Influence of natural and anthropogenic factors on plant diversity in mediterranean coastal landscapes: the case of Tuscany. SISV online 2021.
- • National conference: A clean slate? Effects of the Vaia storm and salvage logging on forest vegetation. SISV online 2021.
- • National conference: Surveying roadsides: Sorghum halepense-dominated vegetation in peninsular Italy. SISV online 2021.
- • International conference: Distribution maps of vegetation alliances in Europe. EVS Online 2021.
- • National conference: The aggregation of preferential and probabilistic datasets to investigate Italian forests: A case-study through the LifeWatch infrastructure. SBI online 2021.
- • International conference: The aggregation of preferential and probabilistic datasets to investigate Italian forests: A case-study through the LifeWatch infrastructure. EVS online 2021.
- • International conference: Spatial indicators for evaluating changes in inner-alpine dry grassland species composition. IAVS online 2021.
- • International conference: Fifteen emerging challenges and opportunities for vegetation science – A horizon scan by ECR. IAVS online 2021.
- • International conference: Ecosystem state assessment after more than 100 years since rehabilitation. EVS Rome 2021.
- • International conference: Ecosystem state assessment after more than 100 years since rehabilitation. IAVS online 2021.
- • International conference: Classification of Pinus nigra forest vegetation. IAVS online 2021.
- • International conference: Classification and syntaxonomy of Pinus nigra forest vegetation. EVS online 2021.
- • International conference: Wild edible plants of Europe: the WEPE project. IAVS Online 2021.
- • International conference: Phylogenetic structure and functional diversity of European forest communities. IAVS Online 2021.
- • International conference: Evaluating the contribution of tree-based land uses to carbon stocks and biodiversity in an Andean agricultural landscape. ESA Virtual 2-6 August 2021.
- • National conference: Species richness in the vascular flora of Tuscany estimated through SDM approach. SBI 2021.
- • National conference: Centres of endemism in the vascular flora of Tuscany (Central Italy). SBI online 2021.
- • National conference: Climate change and elevational shifts in plant distribution. A case study from the vascular flora of Tuscany across the last century. SBI online 2021.
- • International conference: 63rd Annual symposium of the International Association of Vegetation Science, Vegetation goes Virtual. 20th-23rd 2021
- • Workshop (online): Gestione del patrimonio forestale pubblico tra vincoli giuridici, gestionali ed economici e obiettivi di utilità sociale: il caso delle pinete litoranee toscane. Centro Studi di Estimo e di Economia Territoriale. February 23rd 2021
- • Workshop (online): Conservation and restoration of forest and grassland ecosystems – Strategic tools for addressing the environmental crisis. University of Tuscia. December 4th 2020.
- • Annual meeting (online): Gruppo per la Floristica, Sistematica ed Evoluzione. November 20-21th 2020
- • National workshop: Online workshop Italian Society for Vegetation Science. Dalla fitosociologia al monitoraggio degli habitat: specie caratteristiche, specie diagnostiche, specie tipiche. 9th October 2020
- • National conference: 115° Conference of the Italian Botanical Society onlus 2020, online, September 9th-11th 2020
- • International conference: 28th Conference of the European Vegetation Survey, Madrid (Spain), September 2nd-6th
- • International conference: 62nd Annual symposium of the International Association of Vegetation Science, “Vegetation Science and Biodiversity Research”, Bremen, Germany, July 14th -19th
- • Intensive course: A primer to Molecular Phylogenetics. Taught by: Prof. Yves Desdevises. Masaryk University, Brno (Czech Republic), 29th March -1st April 2019
- • International conference: 61th Annual symposium of the International Association of Vegetation Science, “Natural Ecosystems as Benchmarks for Vegetation Science”. Bozeman, Montana (USA), 22-27th July 2018
- • International conference: 27th Congress of the European Vegetation Survey. Wrocław (Poland), 23-26th May
- • Intensive course: Introduction of Macroecology. Taught by: Prof. Jeffrey Nekola Masaryk University, Brno (Czech Republic), 10-12th November 2017
- • International conference: 60th Annual Symposium of the International Association for Vegetation Science. Vegetation patterns in natural and cultural landscapes. Palermo (Italy), 19-24th June 2017
- • Citizen Science event: Bioblitz Riserva Naturale Monte Labbro (Grosseto), May 13-14th 2017. 5th Edition, 24h no-stop looking for biodiversity. Natural Science Museum of Maremma
- • Annual Excursion of the Italian Botanical Society, Gruppo per la Floristica, Sistematica ed Evoluzione. Monti Casertani (Campania). May 3-6th 2017
- • Scientific meeting: Tuscan section of the Italian Botanical Society. Botanical studies in Tuscany. Firenze (FI), December 16th 2016
- • Annual meeting: Gruppo per la Floristica, Sistematica ed Evoluzione. Botanical Garden, La Sapienza, University of Roma. Roma (RM), October 21-22th 2016
- • National conference: Verso un piano nazionale di monitoraggio della biodiversità. Ministero dell’Ambiente dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare (MATTM), Istituto Superiore per la Ricerca e per la Protezione Ambientale (ISPRA). Roma October 19-20th 2016
- • Citizen Science event: Bioblitz Lago dell’Accesa (Massa Marittima), May 7-8th 2016. 4th Edition, 24h no-stop looking for biodiversity. Natural Science Museum of Maremma
- • Citizen Science event: Bioblitz SIC “Poggi di Prata”, 1st Edition. Successione Ecologica. Massa Marittima (GR), September 24-25 th 2016
- • International conference: ECSA 56th Coastal systems in transition: From a ‘natural’ to an ‘anthropogenically-modified’ state. Brema (Germania), September 4-7th 2016
- • National conference: 50th Congresso della Società Italiana di Scienza della Vegetazione. Definizione e Monitoraggio degli Habitat della Direttiva 92/43 CEE: il Contributo della Scienza della Vegetazione. Abetone (PT), July 6-7th 2016
- • International conference: 59th Annual Symposium of the International Association for Vegetation Science: Conservation of Plant Communities: From Environmental Drivers to Ecosystem Services. Pirenopolis (Brasil), June 12-17th 2016
- • International conference: 25th Meeting of European Vegetation Survey. Roma (RM), April 6-9th 2016
- • Scientific meeting: Società Botanica Italiana, sezione Toscana. Ricerche floristiche ed ecologiche in Toscana. Firenze (FI), December 11th 2015
- • Training course: Difendersi dal Terremoto. Prof. Dario Albarello. Università di Siena, Servizio di Prevenzione e Protezione. September 22th 2015
- • International conference: 110th International Plant Science Conference S.B.I. Pavia (PV), September 14-18th 2015
- • International conference: 58th Annual Symposium of the International Association for Vegetation Science. Brno (Czech Republic), July 19-24th 2015
- • Annual excursion of the Italian Botanical Society, Gruppo per la Floristica, Sistematica ed Evoluzione. Irpinia orientale (Campania and Basilicata). June 3-6th 2015
- • Citizen Science event: Bioblitz SIR “Torrente Trasubbie” 3rd Edition, 24h no-stop looking for biodiversity. Natural Science Museum of Maremma. Baccinello (GR), May 9-10th 2015
- • Annual meeting: Gruppo per la Floristica, Sistematica ed Evoluzione. Orto Botanico, La Sapienza Università di Roma. Roma (RM), November 21st-22nd 2014
- • International conference: 109th International Plant Science Conference S.B.I. Firenze (FI), September 2nd-5th 2014.
- • Conference: Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana Scienza della Vegetazione. Roma (RM), September 17-19th 2014. 48th
- • Workshop: Corso di Tassonomia delle Piante Vascolari. Associazione Nazionale Musei Scientifici (ANMS), Progetto CollMap, Orto e Museo Botanico dell’Università di Pisa. Pisa (PI), September 8-11th 2014
- • Citizen Science event: Bioblitz Oasi San Felice 2nd Edition, 24h no-stop looking for biodiversity. Natural Science Museum of Maremma. Grosseto (GR), May 10-11th 2014
- • Workshop: Parco Nazionale dell’Arcipelago Toscano. Le specie aliene invasive, una grave minaccia per i sistemi insulari: esperienze di gestione a confront. Portoferraio (LI), March 31th – April 2th 2014
- • Workshop: Parchi della Val di Cornia. Il contrasto alle specie aliene all’interno dell’Area Naturale Protetta “Sterpaia”. Piombino (LI), October 29th 2013
- • Workshop: Società Botanica Italiana, sezione Toscana. Problematiche legate agli habitat d’interesse comunitario in ambito forestale: i querceti decidui della Toscana. Firenze (FI), October 23th 2013
- • Annual meeting: “Contributi alla ricerca floristica in Italia”. Orto Botanico, La Sapienza Università di Roma. Roma (RM), October 18-19th 2013
- • Summer School: Università di Cagliari. La conservazione e gestione della diversità vegetale in aree hot-spot. Montarbu di Seui (OG), Juneth 17-21 2013
- • Workshop: Università di Pisa. Wikiplantbase #Toscana – verso un catalogo collaborativo, online e gratuito delle piante vascolari di Toscana”. Castiglioncello (LI), June 15th 2013
- • Citizen Science event: 1st Edition, 24h no-stop looking for biodiversity. Natural Science Museum of Maremma. Bioblitz Oasi San Felice (GR), May 25-25th 2013
- • Seminar: Corpo Forestale dello Stato. Biocomplessità delle Aree Protette: “Ricerche nelle Riserve naturali statali del Corpo forestale dello Stato gestite in Toscana”. Radicondoli (SI), May 10th 2013
- • Seminar: Incontro formativo su “Le mappe di comunità della Biodiversità in Val di Merse”. Siena (SI), October 21th 2012
- • Annuale meeting: Flora vascolare d’Italia: studi biosistematici, taxa endemici e loci classici. Botanical Garden, La Sapienza, University of Rome. Roma (RM), October 19-20th 2012
- • Workshop: Provincia di Siena, I.S.P.R.A., Federparchi. Cantieri della Biodiversità: “Monitoraggio della biodiversità e valutazione dello stato di conservazione”. Siena (SI), December 9-10th 2010